Step1. powerCLI (Only on the host where the VM is running)
a. If the LUN is an RDM, skip to step c. Otherwise, to get a list of all datastores mounted to an ESXi host, run the command:
# esxcli storage filesystem list
b. Unmount the datastore by running the command:
# esxcli storage filesystem unmount [-u <UUID> | -l <label> | -p <path> ]
c. Detach the device/LUN, run this command:
# esxcli storage core device set --state=off -d NAA_ID
d. To list the permanently detached devices: <Lists all detached LUN>
# esxcli storage core device detached list
e. Verify that the device is offline, run this command:
# esxcli storage core device list -d NAA_ID
f. Running the partedUtil getptbl command on the device shows that the device is not found.
# partedUtil getptbl /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.?????????
Step3. hpCLI
# show volume-maps
# unmap volume 10_23_LIS_Daily_C001
Step4. esxCLI (Perform on all hosts)
Rescan all devices on the ESXi host, run the command on all hosts:
For rescanning vmhba2 only
# esxcli storage core adapter rescan -A vmhba2
For rescanning all adapters
# esxcli storage core adapter rescan -a
Step5. hpCLI
# show volumes
# delete volumes 10_23_LIS_Daily_C001 (10 Seconds for 2.6TB partition)
Step6. hpCLI
# show volumes
# show snapshots
# show vdisks
Step7. hpCLI
To initiate volumecopy from the snapshot
# volumecopy modified-snapshot no source-volume LIS_Daily dest-vdisk vd01 10_24_LIS_CLONE prompt yes Success: Command completed successfully. (LIS_Daily) - The volume copy started. (2012-10-24 16:18:53)
Check volumecopy status
# show volumecopy-status
Step8. hpCLI
Map volume 10_24_LIS_CLONE with
read-write access for
HOSTS ESXHS01_vmhba2 and ESXHS02_vmhba2
Using ports A1,A2 and B1,B2 and
LUN 101:
# map volume access rw ports a1,a2,b1,b2 lun 101 host ESXHS01_vmhba2,ESXHS02_vmhba2 10_24_LIS_CLONE
To apply mapping to all hosts (Omit the host parameter, by default it applies to all hosts)
# map volume access rw ports a1,a2,b1,b2 lun 101 10_24_LIS_CLONE