Monday, April 13, 2009

Brain Dead today but have to finish SOA Assignment before the class

Learn't how to turn of Friendly error messages under Internet Explorer 7.0

" To disable this and see the real error coming from the server, you need to go to “Tools > Internet Options”, choose the Advanced tab, and clear the “Show friendly HTTP error messages” checkbox. Then, close the browser, open it again, and re-request the page."
Ref:- <>

And how to enable detailed error messages for remote clients

First, if your error is an ASP.NET exception (you can tell if it says “Runtime Error” and has the framework version), please be aware that ASP.NET overrides the IIS custom error mechanism with its own implementation of custom errors, so you should turn the ASP.NET custom errors off to see detailed ASP.NET exceptions. You DO NOT have to configure IIS7 custom errors for ASP.NET exceptions (it would be silly to have to do it in two places). To turn off ASP.NET custom errors, place the following in your web.config:

If the error is not an ASP.NET error, turning off IIS7 custom errors will allow error responses from your application to be sent to remote clients without being censored by the IIS7’s custom errors module.You can do this from the IIS7 Admin tool by running “Start>Run>inetmgr.exe”, selecting your website/application/virtual directory in the left-hand tree view, clicking on the “Error Pages” icon, clicking “Edit Feature Settings” action, and then selecting “Detailed Errors”.

Ref:- scroll to the middle of the page<>

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